Ready to S.H.I.N.E. PROGRAM

Christen N James, Business Coach, Mindset and Transition Coach, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Leave your job

YOU’RE Ready to SHINE!

In the READY TO SHINE Program, we're welcoming womxn who are not just willing, but absolutely committed to their business journey.

These bold entrepreneurs have already said goodbye to their 9to5 and embraced a full-time entrepreneurial mindset. They're fully aware of the dedication and hard work it takes to not only make their business thrive but also ensure its sustainability—the very foundation of achieving the lifestyle they've always envisioned.

This Program is a transformative experience for those who are determined to SHINE brighter than ever. It's about stepping into your Power, embracing your Business, and making your long-term dreams a reality.

If you're ready to take that shining leap, this program is your next big step toward success.

  • Private Coaching available each month.

  • Ongoing support and accountability.

  • Goal-setting (short- and long-term) based on your Ideal Lifestyle to create and apply a simple/realistic Business plan.

  • Monthly Business review, evaluation, and forecasting.

  • Create a system to automate, prioritize and track Business procedure and growth.

If you've waved goodbye to the 9to5 routine and you're ready to shift that entrepreneurial mindset into a full-blown CEO Mindset, let's chat!

Click below to start the conversation and pave the way to your dream life.