👋🏽Heya friend! I’m Christen, side hustle success Coach

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You find yourself day-dreaming about TIME FREEDOM while at your 9to5.

My name is Christen N. James - you can call me CJ - a proud Tobagonian 🇹🇹 who adores all things purple and has an uncanny knack for spotting the silver lining in any situation.

My story started in 2015 - a year that marked a turning point in my journey. I made the decision that I no longer wanted to feel stuck and uninspired in a corporate job.

You see, I had this burning desire to become a Coach, but I found myself postponing that dream because I was wrapped up in the comfort and stability of my 9to5.

With my Bachelor's in Psychology and Certification in Solution-Focused Therapy already under my belt, the highlight of my leadership role was undoubtedly coaching my team. Guiding them through their personal growth and professional development and helping them secure their dream roles brought me immense joy.

It was no secret that I wanted to see anyone I'd brought into the company rise and grow!

Then just like that… The Universe responded and there was an announcement of downsizing - I was completely stunned!

Once the ink dried on my severance paperwork, I returned to school to start my own transition and became a Certified Life Skills Coach. Deciding on this niche was easy because I wanted to continue helping people find the courage to follow their hearts. As I went on my new journey, though, I started asking myself questions that I felt were important to address and learned the importance of understanding Mindset.

I am now also a Certified Master Mindset Coach and guide my clients through the The Shine to FIVE™ Method - a trusted system to help busy 9to5ers become successful side-biz owners and then design a 3D Exit Strategy™ (Dedicate, Decide, Depart) to confidently quit the 9to5 FOR GOOD.

I take your Mindset from Struggling to Strategic so you can OVERCOME the Fear of Failure, Fear of Sales, Fear of Judgment, Lack of Focus, Lack of Support, Lack of Resources. You will get the Clarity to strategically take action and get results in your new business that are aligned with your Values.

I just want to see you find your SHINE and share it with the world unapologetically!