4 Clues that reveal your Entrepreneurial Potential.

While managing a side hustle with a 9to5, you can examine certain characteristics and behaviours that give you insights into your entrepreneurial aptitude. I like to think that the type of Employee you are can reveal the type of Entrepreneur you'll be.

Here are four key clues that I have observed through the lens of a Side-Hustler Coach that indicate whether someone possess the qualities to become a successful full-time entrepreneur.

  1. Adaptability and a Desire to Stand Out: Entrepreneurship often requires adaptability and the ability to stand out from the crowd. If you're the type of employee who is assertive, relied upon by your superiors, and possesses a natural aptitude for getting things done, these qualities can indicate your potential as an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs thrive in dynamic environments and possess the drive to take charge and make things happen. If you find yourself preferring to stand out rather than blend in, it may be a sign that you possess the qualities of a natural leader in the entrepreneurial realm.

  2. Thinking Outside the Box and Longing for Independence: Do you often find yourself thinking outside the box, generating ideas that go beyond the scope of your 9-to-5 job? Feeling misunderstood or limited in your current role can be a sign of entrepreneurial potential. Entrepreneurs often have an innate desire for independence and seek opportunities to pursue their own ideas and projects. If you constantly feel like you're being placed in a box at work and yearn for creative freedom, it might be a clear indication that entrepreneurship is calling your name.

  3. Seeking Skill Development and Long-Term Goals: As an aspiring entrepreneur, you may intentionally seek out jobs that allow you to sharpen skills that align with your creative interests. You view these experiences as stepping stones towards your long-term goal of leaving the traditional workforce. This deliberate pursuit of skill development demonstrates your commitment to honing the abilities necessary for entrepreneurial success. By seeking opportunities to align your job with your creative aspirations, you position yourself for a smoother transition into the world of entrepreneurship.

  4. Laser Focus on a Side Hustle and Business Growth: One of the most apparent clues indicating your entrepreneurial potential is your dedication to a side hustle. If you find yourself dedicating consistent time and effort to a side project that generates income, it suggests you have a genuine entrepreneurial spirit. Moreover, your relentless drive to explore new ways to tap into your creativity and fuel business growth reinforces your commitment to entrepreneurship. As you cultivate a customer base that values your unique offerings beyond your regular job, it becomes evident that your entrepreneurial journey is gaining momentum.

As a Side-Hustler, you absolutely have incredible potential to become a thriving entrepreneur. By embracing your adaptability, aptitude for standing out, nurturing your creativity, seeking skill development, and fuelling consistent business growth, you can tap deeper into your entrepreneurial spirit. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and cultivate a supportive network of fellow entrepreneurs and mentors.

The journey may be challenging at times, but by staying true to your passions and seizing opportunities, you can transform your side hustle into a thriving business. Embrace the clues that reveal your entrepreneurial potential and embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and success!

The challenge usually comes when dealing with shifting your Mindset. This is a topic I will cover in more detail, so be sure to follow The Shine to FIVE Method for Side Hustlers Podcast for more tips!


Avoiding Burnout During Your Transition from Employee to EntrepreneuR.


taking the first step on the path to success